Financial Foundations


 City Light News

Financial Foundations Limited ... building lasting prosperity since 1995 

Fetch Butch, Fetch

What is the most important thing to remember in money management? Get ready. It’s not what you expect. You won’t read about it in popular financial columns.

Money is not God! Of course you say; I knew that all along. But what does your behaviour show? Do all your decisions revolve around money? Not only is money not God, but no amount of money can make us like God… not even 100 billion dollars. Now, admittedly 100 billion would give us an exhilarating high. We might even feel like God himself.

You see, that’s precisely the problem. Money gives us a sense of security and power. Jesus referred to it as the deceitfulness of riches. God calls those who trust in riches – fools.

It’s all about looking after number one – me myself and I. 
In case you think I’m being over dramatic, consider this. What does the all time best seller on personal financial planning in Canadian history recommend? Quoting from The Wealthy Barber by David Chilton, “pay yourself first”. Previous financial multi million best sellers, such as The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, both preach the same. Me first! How much? Why the first 10% of course. It’s all about looking after number one – me myself and I. These authors are all promoting worship of self.

So what’s my point? Just this: the God of the Bible gives very clear instructions that we should worship him alone and honour him with the first of our financial increase.

The enemy of our souls, the Devil knows our love for power and influence. After all at creation, we were put in charge of the planet. Therefore get rich for religious purposes he says. We could bring God’s kingdom to earth or at least re-direct assets so that they are more ethically friendly. The Devil suggests we try hard to get lots of money for the noble purpose of making this world a better place. Let’s put money first and then give it all to God! Build the Kingdom without the King.

The Devil suggests we try hard to get lots of money for the noble purpose of making this world a better place. Don’t fall for this line. The Devil tried it on Jesus when he said to him “All the kingdoms of the world and their glory I will give to you if you fall down and worship me.” Jesus replied, “Be gone Satan! For it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only.”

What are the implications of subtly deifying money? Really it’s idolatry – treating the dollar as the Almighty Dollar. As a result we don’t really honour God with the first of all our income. We don’t seriously ask God in prayer to provide our needs. We don’t submit our financial decisions to him.

God warned his people through the prophet Ezekiel not to make idols in their hearts lest they be “cut off”. The popular press in North America has idolized money and I believe there is a real danger for North America to be “cut off” from God’s protection and blessing

Take control of your money. Honor God first. Use money as a tool not as an object of adoration. In other words be its boss. I don’t bow down to my craftsman drill. I use it, clean it and store it for my next home project. Remember, it’s just pieces of metal and plastic (mostly plastic now). Treat money the same way.

Next month I hope to make available for free, a customizable computer based spending tracking system. It’s built on the public domain OPEN OFFICE spreadsheet so that all you will need is a personal computer or a laptop. It helps us treat money like our servant rather than we being its servant. Stay tuned.

I don’t bow down to my craftsman drill. I use it, clean it and store it for my next home project.Now to summarize the most important rule of money management: command money as your servant to do your bidding, which by the way, should really be God’s bidding if you are following Jesus Christ.

It’s not to be cuddled, fondled, adored or doted over.

It all boils down to this: Don’t treat money as your god but as your dog.